What are we about . . .
The Portland Polymer Clay Group is a community of artists working in polymer clay and other media. The Group provide opportunities to network, share ideas and promote polymer as an expressive art medium.
Upcoming Events
Detailed information on events is posted on our Facebook site.
Portland Polymer Clay Group Facebook
Clay Days
The Group hosts two or three in person Clay Days every year at Taborspace in Southeast Portland. Clay Days typically run from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and feature demos from one or two members of the guild based on a theme or specific technique.
Monthly Zoom Meetings
Second Wednesdays
Virtual group meetings are scheduled once a month on the second Wednesdays. Starting at 6:30 PM Pacific, meetings include demos and sharing time.
Note: Monthly meetings may not happen in months with Clay Days.
Open Claying Nights
Casual virtual gatherings hosted by a group member. Work at home while sharing conversation, tips and tricks, and the latest polymer news with fellow group members.
Guest Artist Workshops
At least once a year the group invites a guest artist to teach a one or two day workshop. The cost is determined by the guest artist.
The group hosts a polymer retreat at the Oregon Coast.
Join the Group
Members receive emails with news of upcoming events and a discount on Group sponsored workshops and retreats. If you are interested in joining the group, contact Laurel Swetnam at llswetnam at gmail.com. Dues are $35 per year or $18 after August 1st.
Come clay with us!

Feel free to contact us with any questions.